Do babies need massage?
Access the online class that Amy presented at Jubilee Birth Center for pregnant mamas.
Massage & bodywork can be helpful for babies! They can come out with tension or pain. Babies often get referred to me with breastfeeding issues (including Tongue Tie), poop issues, fussiness, apathy, or head shape issues.
Bodywork can also be helpful for pregnant and post-partum mamas. We can address alignment issues and help maximize dimension (aka space for baby).
Amy Minke, LMT, MS is a massage therapist of 26 years, specializing in Aston-Patterning, a form of structural bodywork that works with whole body patterns primarily through the fascia. She has additional professional training in cranial, visceral, and lymphatic therapies.
She and her husband, Peter, have Minke Wellness, a business focused on holistic wellness education. Amy has 5 children ages 26 to 11 (all 5 natural births, 4 born at home) and did extended ecological breastfeeding and baby wearing with all 5. That personal experience enriches her therapy with pregnant moms and babies.
To contact Amy, text our office cell number at 979-492-9492.